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All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison.

The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.

Von der Besucht, Paracelsus, 1567

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Where we are in the Good Samaritan Campaign

Hi Everyone!

For those of you who maybe haven't been following us as closely as you could, we here at Cal SSDP have been working on a Good Samaritan or Medical Amnesty campaign.What we're essentially trying to do is remove the threat of criminal action for emergency overdose 911 calls. Basically, we want anyone to be able to call for an ambulance in the case of an overdose (including alcohol or any other drug) without threat of the police coming. This will significantly reduce the deaths caused by prohibition in situations where people simply don't know or care about an overdose victim enough to put their own liberty at stake in getting them help.

After a couple unsuccessful campaigns at the university level (we all know how ridiculously out-of-touch and unresponsive the UC regents are....), we have decided to switch gears to work on getting a city-wide policy passed here in Berkeley. Frankly, we think this may be a better approach as, not only do most parties occur off campus, but we feel that as students we are part of a larger community who could equally use our help in fighting draconian drug war policies. Additionally, a city law could act as a bargaining tool in getting a UC-wide policy.

To that effect, we are currently working on the wording of a ballot initiative. Once we have that worked out, we will be filing an Intent to Petition. Then, after a fifteen day waiting period, we will start collection signatures on a Good Samaritan petition.

We could really use help with this campaign. Not only does it have the potential to positively affect the community in which we all live, I can guarantee it will look amazing on your resume as well. We could use additional members now for the Good Samaritan campaign committee (we meet every Thursday), and, once we start circulating the petition, we could particularly use help gathering signatures. As always, if you are down to help, hit up our email at calssdp@gmail.com, or come check out our meetings, Tuesdays, at 8 pm, in 122 Wheeler.

Peace and Love,

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