Hey Everyone!
If you were at our meeting yesterday, you had a chance to hear from Ariel Sweet, a bright, involved Cal student who is running for ASUC senate this election. Ariel is Music Manager for the California Golden Overtones and Overtones representative for the UC Choral Ensembles (UCCE). She is involved with the Black Campus Ministries, and is co-founder and spokesperson for the Aliah Sweet Fragile Hearts Foundation, which grants wishes for siblings of severely disabled children.
Ariel is running with the Student Action party here on campus. Student Action has a long track record of tangible results. Recent Student Action victories include ensuring that the library is open on weekend nights, implementing a pre-finals dead week, assuring that RSF membership only costs $10 a year, and creating The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) and the AC Transit bus pass. Student Action also has been responsible for Spring Welcome Week, ASUC Book Swap, Bears Breaking Boundaries and numerous other ASUC initiatives.
Ariel is extremely interested in passing a Good Samaritan policy here on the UC Campus, and has made it one of her main campaign issues (along with increasing resources for student performance groups and expanding the job support network for UC Berkeley graduates). We will be partnering with her throughout her campaign, just as she will be working with us to pass Good Samaritan legislation.
In light of this recent partnership, this Thursday, the Good Samaritan campaign committee will be meeting in Dwinelle at 6:30 before joining Ariel for her campaign kickoff at eight. We encourage all of our members both to take a part in our own campaign and to attend Ariel's kickoff and see what she has to say.
The kickoff will last just half an hour and will include free pizza and cheesy sticks, so be sure to come on time.
Vote for Ariel for a Good Samaritan policy campus-wide!
Peace and Love,
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