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All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison.

The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.

Von der Besucht, Paracelsus, 1567

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Last 48 Hours! We need Prop 19 volunteers!

Click on the link above to sign up for a shift!

We have 48 hours left before Election Day, which could mean we have only 72 hours left of prohibition, so we need all hands on deck for our final push. As students and young people, we understand the overwhelming failure of the "war on marijuana," and we support reform in overwhelming numbers. If we all show up to vote on Election Day-- we will make history-- while make our communities safer and raising billions of dollars for our state.

Will you invest an hour or more of your time to help change the world?

You can sign up at:

Please join us:

Election Eve - Monday, November 1st

12PM to 1PM - Rally for Common Sense
Mario Savio Steps (Sproul Hall)
UC Berkeley

7 PM - 12 AM - The Final Push
(We're hanging remember to vote doorhangers to students on campus.)
Free Speech Movement (FSM) Cafe on Campus

Election Day:
All Day - Meet at Sather Gate
(You'll see a big banner that says, "Yes on 19."

My Dear Friends,

I just want you all to know how much I envy you.

We are now counting the legalization of marijuana not in terms of years, months, weeks or days. We are counting the hours. These last one hundred hours of your amazing journey is not the end of the California initiative to legalize cannabis but the beginning of the end of marijuana prohibition in the Western World. Does that sound hyperbolic? California is a nation-state. One out of eight Americans lives in California and it is, by any measure, the spearpoint of world marijuana law reform. So goes California, so goes the United States. So goes the U.S., the Western Hemisphere will follow. The work that you will be doing in the next one hundred hours will likely change the world. That is a very rare thing indeed and if I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would be in California, working right next to you, watching the world change before my eyes.

This is your moment. The historic end of marijuana prohibition is your accomplishment. The activists who have worked for the passage of Prop 19 have created better coalitions, attracted more press and changed more minds that any previous effort. It has been dazzling and inspiring to watch your work from afar. As these last hundred hours count down I want you to remember how many of us are counting on you to work your asses off and push this over the top. The entire staff of High Times magazine joins me in expressing our gratitude, our admiration and our jaw-dropping sense of amazement at your accomplishment. Your accomplishment, not ours. Yours.

I just want you all to know how much I envy you.

You will always have my highest respect and, always remember, you have a bud at High Times magazine.

Rick Cusick
Associate Publisher
High Times

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