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All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison.

The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.

Von der Besucht, Paracelsus, 1567

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Thursday, September 16, 2010


Should California legalize cannabis?

With Prop 19 on the ballot this November 2nd (deadline to register to vote is Oct. 16) people have been debating whether or not it is time to legalize the safest drug known to man (that is ironically Schedule One and has a death toll lower than that of Tylenol) and California’s number one cash crop: that’s right MARIJUANA.

On Wednesday, September 22nd at 7 pm CalSSDP will be cosponsoring a debate on Prop 19 with SFL (Students for Liberty), the CalDemocrats, the CalRepublicans, and the ACLU (Americans for Civil Liberties Union). The pro side will consist of Dan Rush, who is in charge of special operations for UFCW Local 5, and Bishop Ron Allen will be representing the opposition.

For more info on the speakers check out these links:

Dan Rush http://www.tokeofthetown.com/2010/05/california_medical_marijuana_workers_form_union.php

Bishop Ron Allen


SSDP is looking for volunteers! To help with the Prop 19 campaign, join the Facebook group for invitations to our upcoming events AND/OR email calssdp@gmail.com with “Prop 19 Volunteer” as the subject.

Don’t forget to invite your friends!

1 comment:

  1. Even though I think that marijuana should be legalized, I’m sort of happy that prop 19 didn’t pass. I have a feeling that the demographic that doesn't smoke primarily "because it's illegal" is going to start experimenting with it, and we're constantly going to have a bunch of old a-holes crashing their cars because they don't know how much they can smoke/can't handle being high. I’d probably say only 10% of the people I know that smoke can drive normally while high, and those people have been smoking for god knows how long. I realize that even if marijuana was legalized that it'd still be illegal to drive high, but there’d still be a percentage of cars on the road that would be driven by these newbs who don't yet understand the technicalities of driving while being stoned out of your mind. For instance, a car ran over my mail box about 2 years ago. My security camera at my home recorded it so I got their license plate, and it turns out that the driver was high and claimed that it was their first time trying to drive on it (you can even see in the video that he’s smoking a joint while he’s driving. I even saved a picture… home security cam marijuana idiot). I’m sure over time that the demographic of “new” smokers will eventually know their limits and when they are not able to drive, but at the moment, I’m glad prop 19 failed because I wasn’t looking forward to buying a new mailbox.
