Hey Everyone.
As former president of Cal SSDP, I know full-well how very destructive the failed, oppressive Drug War has been for our communities and our country as a whole. That is why, after graduating, I chose to go to work for the Tax and Regulate campaign (Prop 19) who are working to legalize marijuana for adults over 21 in the state of California. Not only would doing so monumentally help address the budget crisis in what is now a failed state, but it would also improve the lives of thousands of Californians state-wide and help bolster the drug policy reform movement in other states.
As it stands, we have the support we need to get our legislation passed as long as we are able to mobilize our base to get them to the polls on election day. In order to do that, we will need an expansive network of dedicated volunteers across the state diligently working to inform their communities of the problems created by the Drug War. That's where you all come in.
The campaign is hosting a volunteer meet up this Tuesday, July 13 at 6:30 p.m. at 1776 Broadway in Oakland (click here to RSVP). There are several leadership positions still available, but no matter what your availability or level of commitment, there is a place for you. Bring your friends, family, or roommate and make sure to attend.
Now is the time to organize!
Peace and Love,
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